Friday, February 12, 2016

Welcome to Samsung Galaxy Firmware Blog!

We decided to create this blog as a way to share (for free!) and discuss about the firmwares released to samsung devices, because when searching the internet for them, we only found sites that where charging people for the downloads or offering for free with extremely low download speeds, that could take an entire day to finish!

We'll start providing firmwares for the devices that we have and that were released for our country. But the idea is that you can post comments on our blog, so that we can share firmwares for the phones you want, we just need the exact model of your device, ex.: SM-G900M (Galaxy S5 Brazil) and the country you want the firmware to be from. You can also comment on your findings about the updates, since Samsung doesn't release change notes for them.

The files will be shared in 7-zip format for higher compression, so we suggest you download it to avoid decompressing problems. Besides that, you'll also need ODIN 3.10.7, app used for installing firmwares on your samsung phone.

The download links will be provided from MEGA.NZ, an affordable cloud storage that offers high speed downloads. As you might have figured, it's not free and we need donations so we could maintain our files for free. While we don't have enough donations, we'll be using and google's ads to help with the costs.

All firmware files that we share are samsung original without changes or mods, so there is no possibility that you loose your warranty because of that. You just have to be sure that you're using the firmware from the same model of your phone (ex.: SM-G900M), as this is the only thing that go wrong with the firmware update and could make your phone brick.

Unlike other websites, we don't charge for firmware downloads. Although, we have costs to maintain the blog and the files available for free, so we appreciate your donation that can help us provide even more firmwares for you to download. When we've got enough donations to pay for our costs, we'll take away all ads from our blog.

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